We want to know why being on the first page of Google is important and why we should be on the first page of Google, why Google is so important to us and why we should do our best to keep this technology and information giant satisfied? These are the questions that we will answer by the end of this article, بک لینک pbn stay tuned to the software school.

As you may know, millions of searches are done daily in different search engines and it is interesting to know that over 70% of them are through Google, after Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines have the most searches, The share of each is less than 10%, this is the most important reason to be on the first page of Google, and that is why in all professional articles related to SEO, خرید بکلینکthis issue is constantly mentioned, which is used by Getting the right methods in site optimization Try to get yourself to the first pages of Google and stay on the first page of Google.

According to available statistics, 90% of users only visit the first page of Google and never enter the next pages, and if you are not on this page, it is a sign of your failure in SEO.

It is interesting to know that just being on the first page is not enough and you have to make a continuous effort to reach the first three ranks of Google and this is essential for your complete success, statistics show that nearly 37% of users on the first link offer Google clicks and this percentage for the second and third ranks are 12 and 9 percent, respectively. تحلیلگر سئو It ranks second to fifth.

It is important to be first on every page of Google, you are at every stage of SEO. Try to get first rank on every page of Google where you are, for example, the number of visits to the first rank of the second page of Google is usually more than the tenth rank. Is the first page!

How to get to the first page of Google?
There are many challenges to this, and to get started you should aim to be on the first page of Google, and after you reach this page, do not give up and take the first place in Google, leaving behind the competitors. Click here to check competitors' SEO.

Page description and how it is displayed in Google search results search results are very influential factors on the entry of users from the first page of Google to your website, خرید رپورتاژ قوی by writing appropriate and relevant descriptions, more visitors will be attracted to your site, in other words You may be third on the first page of Google, but your site traffic is higher than second.

Google does not act like many years ago and updates itself every day and every day it pays a lot of attention to quality factors in ranking sites, the main goal of Google is to provide the best user experience to its users. One of the most important factors is the click-through rate of the site pages in Google search results.

So a website that uses compelling titles and descriptions gets better click-through rates and rankings on Google. Instrument provided by Google.

How to stay on the first page of Google?
In the previous articles, we have mentioned several times that maintaining the position is more important than achieving it, so reaching the first rank of Google is not the end and you should make a constant effort to maintain the ranking, for this purpose, the content of your site should be Update every few months and provide additional information to your users, you should also check the position of the content on the first page of Google and measure and compare the number of clicks of users, and if the number of clicks is low, you should review the title and Explain.

You can also create links for your content and introduce them in related pages and sites or share them on social networks, ask users' opinions about your text and answer them, سئو on page your main competition in In fact, it starts when you reach the first page of Google, at this stage you should check your competitors and redouble your efforts to achieve their position.

How will the new changes to the Google homepage affect SEO?
As mentioned above, Google is constantly adding new features and making changes to the way search results are displayed, each of which can increase or decrease your visitors on the first page of Google, add the Google box One of these changes is that by appearing next to the results, the user will no longer click on your link if he has received his answer, and thus the number of your visits will be reduced.

The changes that Google has made recently are related to how the results are displayed and the number of characters in each site description. It is longer and therefore more scrolling is needed to achieve lower results. The result of these changes is that it can have a negative effect on the number of visitors at the bottom of the page and rank 1 to 4 more in the eyes of users.

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